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No Good Gofers - Playfield and Rules

Click on the playfield to explore the game rules and features
Gofers Home | Large Playfield View | Rules Index

Captive Ball

Hit the captive ball to move the Spinning Whirlwheel, and advance the string of lamps below.

Drive (Award next Drive lamp)
Increase Bud Value
Increase Buzz Value
Increase Golf Cart Value
Lite Driving Range (Slam Ramp)

Completing the string a second time starts the countdown for Ripoff Multiball.  Hit the captive ball again to start Ripoff.

Hitting the captive ball in Gofer Attack awards the countdown jackpot.

Ripoff Multiball

All targets score big points in Ripoff Multiball.  There are three balls in play at the start of this multiball.  Complete the string of lamps on the captive ball to add another ball on the playfield, up to five balls at a time!






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© 1998 Williams
Electronics Games, Inc