Page 13 - WHO dunnit

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1922 MAY
BUTLER suspects the fate of all his daughter's past husbands and encourages VICTORIA to go
after TONY. VICTORIA shows up with BUTLER. VICTORIA and TONY have been lovers off
and on for a couple of years. TONY still avoids her grasp. VICTORIA marries Tex, her Third
husband. She becomes TRIXIE'S stepmother.
TONY doesn't recognize Walter because
BUTLER is the shadow of the man Walter was and looks 10 years older.
VICTORIA and TONY conspire to kill Tex. The plan was: VICTORIA gets the money and TONY
gets the Casino. Tex overhears VICTORIA'S half of the conspiracy. When she hangs up the
phone he roughs her up and threatens that if anything happened to him she would be sorry.
BUTLER witnessed Tex roughing her up. Unknowing to VICTORIA or TONY,
sabotages the brakes of Tex's car. Tex drives off a cliff. Car explodes. Body was never found.
Tex, injured and disfigured, makes it to an underground doctor/plastic surgeon. Tex is reborn
as Bruno. Bruno has one agenda, to get VICTORIA for attempting to kill him. No one will get in
his way.
TRIXIE, now 11, moves in with TONY. VICTORIA can not be tied down with a child. TONY is
the closest family that TRIXIE has. She resents VICTORIA for this and still has a crush on
TONY and VICTORIA each believe that the other did the brake job on Tex. VICTORIA and
BUTLER leave for Europe in search of another husband for VICTORIA.
TRIXIE and TONY are lovers but TONY will not commit. TONY gives her a job at his Casino.
He keeps her on a string, never letting her get enough money to be free.
Bruno goes on a fact-finding mission about VICTORIA.
He learns all about her and her dead
husbands. He learns about her real father. He also learns about her relationship with TONY.
He now suspects TONY and VICTORIA of "fixing" his brakes.
TONY, unknowingly, hires Bruno to work for him. Bruno wants to be close because he knows
that sooner or later VICTORIA will show up, and he wants to keep an eye on TRIXIE, his
daughter. TRIXIE has been his only reason to live on some dark lonely nights. Bruno keeps a
locker full of TRIXIE pictures and news clippings.
1934 (Yesterday)
Bruno waits for the day that he can extract his revenge on VICTORIA and TONY.
TONY thinks all is well and is ready to enjoy the good life that he deserves.
TRIXIE has finally learned that TONY is not to be trusted and she must do what it takes to
protect herself.
VICTORIA and BUTLER show up to try and snag TONY once more!