Page 55 - No Good Gophers

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The WPC-95 game program has the capability to aid the operator and service personnel. At game turn-
on, or after pressing the Begin Test switch, once the game has been operating for an extended period,
the display may signal with a message, "Press ENTER for Test Report". This indicates the game
program has detected a possible problem with the game.
new coin door display. When the coin door is open (in Attract
mode and game play), the display shows that the high-power has been disabled. It also shows the
Test Report (if there
anything to report), and some game specific information. Use the flipper
buttons to page through this information.
To obtain details of the problem open the coin door and press the Begin Test switch. Press the Enter
button to begin displaying the message(s). The following messages apply to your game.
Error Messages for the Gofer mechanisms.
Check Coil #XX
A coil used to raise or lower the gofer and/or ramp is believed to be faulty.
Opto Failure
The software cannot read the Gofer Down opto switch associated with this mechanism.
Ramp Sw Failure
The software cannot read the Ramp Down microswitch associated with this mechanism.
Warning Gofer Disabled
The Gofer may not be operating in game play because it was disabled in the
or A2.13
Error Messages for the Wheel mechanism.
Motor Wires Reversed
The software has determined that the wires to the wheel motor or the wires that transmit the drive
signal to the Motor board have been connected incorrectly. Reverse the orientation of the wheel
motor's power wires and try this test again.
Tracking Failure
The software cannot read the Wheel Inner Spin and Wheel Outer Spin optos. Check the 12-volt
power supply to the Wheel Opto board, and check the individual switches using the T.1 Switch Test.
Warning Motor Disabled
The wheel may not be operating in game play because the Motor Disabled (A2.08) adjustment has
been set to YES.
General Error Messages.
Check Switch ##
This message indicates that at least one switch was stuck 'On' at game turn-on or has NOT been
actuated during ball play (for 90 balls or apx. 30 games). The game program compensates the game
play requirements affected by each disabled switch to allow 'nearly normal' play. This helps keep
your game earning, until the service technician can repair the problem. To verify the problem, refer to
the Test Menu text describing Switch Testing, and check each reported switch using applicable
switch tests. Always check switch operation using a ball, to simulate game conditions.
problems may often be resolved by adjusting the wire switch actuators, fixing switch circuitry
problems, securing loose connectors, etc. Mechanisms using 'opto switches' (drop targets, etc.)
need to be checked for proper power connections (+12V dc and ground).