Page 39 - Elvira and the Party Monsters

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Custom Pricing
Adjustment Item 24 must be set to the Custom Coinage Setting (player 1 and 2
displaying CUSTOMCOINAGE)to enable the operator to enter desired custom
pricing selections for Items 25 through 30, based on the Pricing Table. Item 25 is
the left coin chute multiplier. Item 26 is the center coin chute multiplier. Item 27
is the right coin chute multiplier. Item 28 is the number of coin units equal to one
Credit. (ACredit is usually equal to one game.)
The calculation of the ratio of Games: Price uses the ratio equation of X: VC ,
Coin Chute Multiplier (Item 25, 26, or 27 in Pricing Table);
Value of coin;
Coin units equivalent to one Credit (Item 28).
For example, for 25¢ chutes at the factory setting, substituting values in the
Games: Price ratio calculation gives 1 : 25 x 1, or one game for 25¢.
Units Required for Bonus Credit
Item 29 is the number of coin units that must pass through the coin chute(s) before
an additional Credit (game) is posted (displayed). At the factory setting, the number
in this item is 00. (This 00 means that NObonus credit (free game) is awarded,
although purchase of more than one game at a time occurs.)
Minimum Coin Units
Item 30 determines the number of coin units that must pass through the coin
chute(s) before play may begin. The Factory Setting for this item is 00. (rhis 00
means that the Minimum Coin Units feature (Item 30) is disabled.)
Game Pricing Information 1-33