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Problem Analysis Messages
The SYSTEM11C game program has a !treat 'capability to aid the operator and
service personnel: At game Tum-on (and also at the begmnmg of Test/Dtagnostic
Procedures) after the game has been operating for an extended period, the player
score displays now may signal with a messa"e, "Press ADVANCEfor Report", that
the game program has detected a possible problem with the game.
To obtain details of the problem, open the coin door and press the AUTO-
UP/MAUNAL-DOWNswitch to MANUAL-DOWN.Press the ADVANCEbutton to
begin displaying the message(s). The followingmessages apply to
Check Switch
This message indicates that at least one switch has not been actuated during ball
play (for 90 balls or apx. 30 games) by displaying the message "Check Switch ##
(name)", listing each problem switch by number and name. (The game program
compensates the game play requirements affected by each disabled switch to allow
'nearly normal' play. This helps keep
earning good profits).
To verify the problem, refer to the Test/Diagnostic Procedures text describing
Switch Testing, and check each reported switch using applicable Switch Levels and
Switch Edges tests. Always check switch operatlon using a ball to simulate game
conditions. (Switch problems may often be resolved by adjusting the wire switch
actuators, fixing electric problems, securing loose connectors, etc).
Pinball Missing
normally uses two balls. The third ball is a spare. When the game is
turned on, and the Advance is pressed: the message annouces that a ball is missing
or stuck somewhere. When the ball is located, retum it to the
via the
Outhole. Other possibilities for this problem could be malfunctions of the Ball
Trough Switches (#11, 12, or 13) or, the Ball Shooter Switch (#9).
Music Error
This message means that no signals are coming from the Audio Board. Check the
Board for presence of
ROMs. Also, check that the cable
connecting the Audio and CPUBoards is firmly seated, and that the red line on the
cable is going to pin 1 on both boards. Tum the game Off, then On, to be sure only
1 'Bing' sounds. More than one 'Bing' or no 'Bing' indicates an Audio Board
problem. Refer to text about System 11C Sound Circuitry tests for more
information. Note, if the ''Press Advance For Report" is displayed during start-up,
no bing(s) will be heard.
Factory Settings or "Adjust Failure"
This message indicates that the CMOSRAMhas lost custom setting and has
reverted to factory default settings. Pin 24 of U25 should have +5Vwhen the game
is tumed on and, at least 3.8Vwhen the game is tumed off.
the voltage drops
below 3.8V memory reset occurs. Check the batteries and battery holder. Be sure
the batteries are good and there is no contamination on the battery holder
terminals. Check Dl and D2. Tum the game OFF and, use an Ohmmeter. Dl
should read 0 ohms when forward biased and mflnate
when reversed biased.
D2 should read 15 ohms when forward biased and mfmate ohms when reverse
biased. Check Q40. Tum the game ON, use an oscilloscope. Q40 Should have
square waves on all three legs.
Problem Analysis Messages