Game ROM Revisions

Bally: Congo

       Version 2.1
       Date: October 7, 1996
G11/U6:Checksum: 2121

Changes from version 2.0:

       Fixed a bug in the ball save adjustment so you can now turn ball
	 saves off.

       Fixed a bug in the attract mode display for multiple replay levels.

       Fixed skill fire display effect.

       Improved plunger initilization at powerup.

       Changed buy-in to allow for more time if money is inserted.

       Improved printer support.

       Version 2.0
       Date: February 8, 1996
G11/U6:Checksum: B820

       This release of software facilitates the development of the
       kit version of the Congo playfield.

       This version works with the following sound revisions:

       Sound rev 1.0 or 1.0-kit

       This ROM automatically detects the WPC or WPC-95 hardware
       and will work with either system.

       Note: Games that do not have the new WPC-95 hardware also require
       the use of the 1.0 Kit sound ROMs.  These are a special
       copy of sound version rev 1.0 made using 4 meg ROMs.

Changes from revison 1.3:

        Added some sounds to match.

        Added more French adjustment and audit translations.

       Version: 1.3
       Date: January 4, 1996
G11:   Checksum: 4313

       This version works with sound rev 1.0

Changes from revision 1.1:

        Update to apple version 3.54 to provide serial interface
        support on WPC-95.

        Revised Paramount logo with the words "A Viacom Company".

       Version: 1.1
       Date: December 12, 1995
G11:   Checksum: D711

       This version works with sound rev 1.0.

Changes from revision 1.0:

        Fixed a test mode display glitch.

       Version: 1.0
       Date: December 11, 1995
G11:   Checksum: CA10

       This is the release of software for production.

       This version works with sound rev 1.0:

S2:    Checksum: 9E00
S3:    Checksum: E500
S4:    Checksum: 3800

Changes from revision 0.3:

        Added lamp, display and sound effects.

        Changed coin meter test time to 64ms.

        Changed loop gates to make them raise faster.

        Fixed a player 1/player 2 score overlap.

        Changed plunger to prevent extraneous firing at power up.

        Fixed an incorrect report of gorilla standup switch errors.

        Added Novice Mode.  DEFAULT:  OFF

        Fixed buy-in adjustment so it does not get turned on when
        pricing is changed.

       Version: 0.2
       Date: December 11, 1995
G11:   Checksum: AE02 (R - Regular)
       Checksum:  9902 (B - Belgium/Canada)

       This is the first release of software for production of sample games.

       This version must be used with sound revision 0.4 or later:

S2:    Checksum: 4D00