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Messages - Cam

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Catapult works great with default setting ! As Lloyd replied in another thread, loosen the screw that hold the ramp near the red light and push the ramp away. It won't hit the red light cap anymore !

Good feedback Leo...

If this is indeed the correct remedy I ask that you please work with Stern to ensure the ramp in question is positioned correctly for the remaining games, and said screw with spring washer is torqued to an engineered specification permitting it to survive transport...  And of course tested by the college kid,

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Flipper Assembly
« on: May 21, 2015, 11:37:31 PM »
Hi Lloyd
So it is safe to assume then that there is no torque spec on any of the screws and everything is just hand tightened to whatever level the person inserting the screw feels appropriate... Is that correct?  If so, a lot could be learned from nearly every other mature manufacturing industry...

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Flipper Assembly
« on: May 20, 2015, 09:35:44 PM »
More irrefutable and insurmountable evidence to support my hypothesis that these games are not being play tested!  Please work with the powers that be at Stern to find a college kid that will gladly play test these games in return for free pizza...

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR Sound Issue
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:19:20 AM »
I would very much welcome just one update please where some constructive action has been taken to improve the game in response to the issues and complaints aired on this forum.  Another recent notable issue appears to be a much needed software fix to allow reduced catapult strength...
Much appreciated!

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR Display issue
« on: May 09, 2015, 02:32:03 PM »
Very interested to see resolution to this and a few other issues reported recently as this is lending increasing empirical evidence that THESE GAMES ARE NOT BEING PLAY TESTED BEFORE SHIPPING... ARE THEY EVEN BEING POWERED UP???  I can understand a connector coming loose during shipping, but not much else... I'll bet u can find a volunteer to test these games for free...

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR shaker interaction question.
« on: April 29, 2015, 09:33:49 PM »
I am sure I read on one of these forums that there was different sensitivity settings for the shaker and as I recall on the highest setting it would definitely engage for more things than just destroying the castle, such as the trolls, catapult, etc... is that not true?  If not, please seriously consider adding a setting that would engage the shaker during these and/or possibly other events such as starting multi-ball madness... :o

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Flaky Switches?
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:39:21 PM »
Thanks for the responses... I've had to make various adjustments to my old High Speed over the years but not to my new HUO ones... Been lucky I guess... I think this is a good art for all collectors to know so they can keep their machines in fine working order, but I am not proficient at it... I am just hoping Lloyd you can please pass some of that "fine art" along to whomever is testing these wonderful machines before they are shipped.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Flaky Switches?
« on: April 23, 2015, 12:24:27 AM »
Does your reference to "adjusting the switch" mean bending the metal rollovers?

These types of adjustments should all be identified and rectified during QA game testing before the machine is ever boxed.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Catapult Issue?
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:26:05 PM »
My point was misunderstood and perhaps less than clear.  To be clear I do not expect to have to install washers, spacers, fiddle with flipper alignment, fiddle with aiming ramps and catapults and so forth.  I expect each and every game to be sufficiently tested to avoid these issues.  I will install protectors as there has been at least one report of cracking on playfield edges without protectors.

And my thanks to others that have weighed in sharing this same concern...

Yes indeed Rick things wear and break over time as has been my experience over the last 11 years of pinball ownership, but NIB should simply work.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Catapult Issue?
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:45:50 PM »
Please work with Stern to ensure adequate testing/QA of each game to eliminate the need for these types of adjustments... I'm in for nearly $12k and still need to buy and install a dozen protectors... I am much more interested in playing pinball than fiddling with the table
Many thanks

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