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Topics - glasairpilot

Pages: [1]
Played my new MMr about 30 games this weekend when all of the sudden the left flipper lost the ability to hit the ball with any force.  Popped up the playfield and found the coil stop bracket fell off due to the allen bolts falling completely out.  Put the assembly back together and checked the other flipper assembly and found them loose also.  Tightened everything up and it works fine now.  Other than that the only other adjustments I have made are:

1.  Bent the catapult switch arm up a bit to ensure it fires when a ball is present.  Before bending it up it would not fire about 25% of the time.
2.  Turned the flipper strength up to +2 to make better ramp shots.  I really like this feature.  My home voltage is pretty constant at 119V, but liked a little extra power.

Also replaced the cheap single cone speakers with pioneer 2-way and a Polk powered subwoofer.  The speakers make the speech MUCH more clear and the powered subwoofer really makes a difference as well.  I would encourage CGC to include the ability to adjust call out volume separate from the music volume like Stern does.  Many of the callouts could barely be heard before the speaker swap and even with the speaker swap are still not ideal.

Other than that, this is a well built machine.  I enjoy it.   

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Where to pull 12V?
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:02:12 PM »
Is there anywhere in MMR to safely pull 12V accessory power?  With my pre-spike Sterns I use the 12V plug provided and a 8-way splitter from Pinball Life and the Spike units get it from the 48V output and the step down transformer and splitter from Pinball Life as well. 

I would like to add undercab lighting and lit flipper buttons.  Not much current draw, but want it to be safe for the machine.

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