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Messages - Drewblood419

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PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Re: Dr who time expander cover
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:32:26 PM »
Any update on these?

PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Re: Dr who time expander cover
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:50:18 PM »
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PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Re: Dr who time expander cover
« on: August 27, 2016, 05:58:59 PM »
Hey rick I talked to pinside user freeplay40 and he said he could  reproduce the time expander cover for you i'm telling you these things would sell like hotcakes Id pre-ordertwo right now LOL

PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Re: Dr who time expander cover
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:27:47 AM »
It sounds like these guys have the capability to make it :)

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PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Re: Dr who time expander cover
« on: August 19, 2016, 07:36:45 PM »
That would be awesome there really seems like there is a ton of folks looking for them could sell more decal kits as well  ;)

PPS Parts (and Art) Wish List / Dr who time expander cover
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:25:38 PM »
 Hey Rick I'm looking for a Doctor Who time expander cover they seem to be pretty hard to come by it appears that twisted pins had made a repro a while back but are no longer in business is this a  part you would be reproducing anytime soon there seems to be quite a demand for it

 Make sure you have the coin door interlock switch pushed in or you don't get power to coils while testing with the coin door open.

Hey Rick, you could offer a decal consisting of a hires pic of the front of the cabinet art with no logo in sight resized and trimmed to fit the blank space. I had a different design printed out for myself to put on my game locally obviously I printed one and I am not even considering selling them but this may fill a gap in the market for such a thing that you would be able to create relatively easily and sell

A flipper spacing tool you use it to set the height of the flipper bat. Just slip the notched side between the playfield and the underside of the flipper bat

I can see the benefit of installing the diffuser regardless of the ink issue. It disperses light better in the inserts and has a more "original" look in comparison to the led hotspot that occurs without one. It doesn't necessarily change the tone of the insert or the ink but makes them more legible for sure and has more of a incandescent feel while maintaining enough brightness from the led. If you feel that your machine needs the diffuser as a warranty claim just call your distro. If not but you want one anyway or would like a replacement down the line at least they are being made available through PPS.  :)

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR diffuser installed
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:01:28 PM »
It's not bad to install at all as long as you make sure your connectors are all color coded or marked before hand mine were from the factory so that helped. It only took me about 90 minutes which also included a beer and a smoke break lol

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR diffuser installed
« on: March 30, 2016, 12:34:32 PM »
 Trying to post some pictures but I must've taken them in HD because the file sizes are too large

So for now here is a link to my pics posted on PS post #307 308 and 309

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MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / MMR diffuser installed
« on: March 30, 2016, 12:29:42 PM »
OK so I installed the diffuser tonight it wasn't as complex to install as the directions sound. Basically what you have to do is remove the 5 small light boards from the playfield you can keep them plugged in and let them hang then unplug all of the connectors from the top blue solenoid  driver board (I used my daughters washable markers to color code each plug ) then unplug 23 plugs along the right side of the big green board (GI and Switches) from JS28 clockwise all the way to J8. All of those plugs were color coded from the factory or at least on mine it was. Then unplug the 2 troll switches (SW74 and SW75) also unplug the Ethernet  cable and the thick green cable.  Next unscrew the screws holding the green board to the Playfield but keep them in the standoffs. Also remove the 2 steel wire bundle hangers that in the way and let them hang. Here comes the part that took a bit of patience. You need to slowly work the board up each side between the sling shot coils it's a bit tight and tedious because of all the connectors that snag so just go slow. Once that's done maneuver the diffuser sheet between the board and th PF. Once you get it lined up you hand tighten a few screws in the green board's standoffs to hold the diffuser sheet now gently work the board back between the sling coils and line the mounting screws back up with their holes. Make sure you don't trap any plugs between the board and the PF. Tighten down the board and plug everything back in. Then reinstall the small light boards with their matching diffuser piece. Overall it took me about a hour and a half (including a cigarette and cold beer break lol) it is a huge difference on the inserts. The best way I can  describe it is that it looks exactly like an incandescent bulb and gets rid of that bright spot in the middle. It doesn't make the ink look solid jet black or anything but I can read them with no issue during game play even the king inserts are readable. Here are some pics of the process

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Lock 3 insert light stays on
« on: March 27, 2016, 05:41:21 PM »
It looks like it could be the flasher underneath the moat casting green light on the insert from the underside

Actually the 12V version worked perfectly I tied into a flasher so that the blue light strip flashed when the lighting effect is supposed to be triggered. Check it out  :)  8)

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