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Messages - Flowst

Pages: 1 [2]
I agree with Quadrat.  Thanks for the updates Rick, I love my MMr, cant wait for the AFMr and looking forward to more in the future.  Monster bash???

Considering the success of the Medieval Madness remake and the impending release of the second remake.....Will there be future remakes to follow?
My MMR is so much fun and a blessing to have.  Can we anticipate or hope to see remakes 3 and on?

Rick and Lloyd, thanks for the excellent and detailed replies. You've confirmed what I believed from the start.
The MMr you guys created is fantastic, I plan on collecting your future products as well.
Happy Holidays from a broken down aviator :)

Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Discussion involving the new technology
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:42:57 PM »
Hi folks,
Just curious what everyone's input is on the following subject: The new pinball tables technology will make future repair difficult or impossible, and that sticking with the original machines would be more feasible. This was not solenoids, coils etc, but rather the play fields circuitry in question. "Once they go bad, you cant fix them" to paraphrase.
A reputable and friendly amusement company near me suggested that the danger in buying the new style games would involve the play field circuitry going bad down the road preventing repairs.
I took it as friendly advice, but also as biased as the newer machines might put these folks out of work so to speak.

If this is on the wrong board, my apologies.  Just looking for everyone's thoughts.


Thanks Rick,

Like many others I'm sure, I am very much looking forward to your next machine release.
Ill keep an eye out for future posts from you, and completely understand Planetary's need to be cautious with information updates. 
Question about the physical purchase, will it be handled from the PPS website?

Hello Rick,
Thanks for the update and excellent information, I am very much looking forward to your new game.  The MMr you guys made is wonderful.
Have to ask, and I apologize for the frustration it may cause....Do we have an official name of the new game yet and pricing structures?
I look forward to hearing from you and certainly understand your need for careful release to avoid the usual backlash.

Hi Folks,
Other than rumors, wish lists and gossip....Is there any information about the next release as of yet? Is there any idea how many remakes are in the plans for Planetary Pinball?
Love my MMr, cant wait to add to the collection.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Speaker upgrades
« on: September 29, 2016, 10:24:24 PM »
Has anyone tried the speaker upgrade kit from Pinball Pro?   I think the standard edition is a great game, but side by side with my other tables it seems a little lacking.
Any information?

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: How To Find Your Backbox Key
« on: August 26, 2016, 06:57:21 PM »
Just watched your two videos, thank you for the pointers.

I sincerely hope there is discussion involving Monster Bash as a remake...

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