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Messages - PWhiz

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Well, now my point about downgrading due to newly introduced bugs has proven valid.  Not a game breaker but still hope it isn't another year until they put out an updated fix.  Seriously, what kind of QC do they have that this was discovered only hours after release by customers.  ::)   I'm assuming this wasn't an issue with the beta update code, so must have been introduced as a result of adding the dimmable LED feature.

Thanks Rick. 

How can they not include a change log?  After all this time of waiting, wondering what could be taking so long to be working on - what changes could be in store.  Nothing?  Not a blip about any new features, how to access them, or how they work?  WTactualF?  I swear CGC has to be the most brain-dead, incompetent company when it comes to customer relations.

Maybe they're just too ashamed to include a change log because it would amount to a few scant lines, that one could only awe in that it took them so long to release it.  Hey, wild speculation is what happens when you treat your customers with such disdain.

Just out of curiosity, is there any way to get a copy of the current code, you know, just in case this release turns out to have bugs of its own.  Not unheard of.  Might be nice to have the option to downgrade.

Trolls are foul creatures that have no respect for our pinball machines!

If you were asking me, I have it set at true 6.5 right now and it seems to be playing fine.  Ball isn't coming down too fast or slow.  About right. 

For a bit there I was having an issue with the ball having the tendency to hop off the wireform return to the left flipper at about midway or just above the left sling.  This was in part due to trying to fix/adjust my catapult being inconsistent and also not being able to eject more than one ball.  I had been playing around with different solenoid power settings and I ended up finding that if I left it at default, it actually started working better.  It was weird because it had seemed weaker at that setting before.  I don't know, pinball is weird, haha.

I just got myself into a situation where I was making all sorts of adjustments here and there and I think things were starting to get a bit out of whack and it took some time to get things dialed back in.

I think for the most part I have it playing like it should, except for the bozo standing between the flipper buttons.  Still working on that one. ;)

The strange thing that I found is that the manual suggests setting the pitch so that the bubble is between the first and second of the small segmented lines(ie. not the main big gap), and that is supposed to be 6.5deg.  But when I use a level on the playfield with the bubble in that position, it does not indicate 6.5.  In order to achieve 6.5 I have to raise the front about an inch or so and the bubble is way off the indicated mark.  So I really don't know which is right.  What the manual suggests, or what my level says is 6.5.

As it stands now, the ball hasn't been hitting the top of the sling that often, so I'm hesitant to mess with it anymore.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Disable the knocker?
« on: January 17, 2016, 01:11:33 AM »
OK, thanks for the info.  Again, will have to take another look at it when I get the chance.

Sorry to hear about the snowboarding accident.  Kind of why my hobbies are limited to things like the slightly safer, but no less exhilarating sport of pinball. ;D

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Disable the knocker?
« on: January 16, 2016, 06:36:07 PM »
Ouch! Hope you're knee is okay!  I'll have to check the wires again.  Maybe I was following the wrong pair.  Is the 2 pin molex connected to the display/speaker panel, or to somewhere on the beaglebone board in the back box?  At work right now, so will have to wait until I get home to check again myself.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Disable the knocker?
« on: January 14, 2016, 06:08:56 PM »
Not sure what two pin connector you are referring to.  Any specific info/pics to help with that.  The only thing I found in the manual was a 4 pin connector that was for both the knocker and shaker.  The wires from the knocker itself seemed to run under the playfield to the front of the cabinet/power supply. 

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Disable the knocker?
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:34:18 PM »
Unfortunately, I picked the wrong hobby/passion to be living in a condo unit. :)  So far I haven't had any complaints, but I'm pretty respectful and don't play after our HOA "quiet hours" Oy!  Sometimes I'll turn off the shaker too, but I had to disable that knocker.  I ended up just removing the rod from the coil since I still wanted to use the shaker sometimes.  Didn't think about dampening foam option.  Having the knocker isn't super important to me though so probably won't get into it, but good idea.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Invisaglass option
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:19:47 PM »
Another option, in case you are not aware, is PDI glass.  It is what I opted to go with on both my ST:Pro and MMr.

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Same price, I think.  Difference may be minimal, I don't know.  Don't think I've seen Invisiglass in person to make a comparison.  All I know is the difference it made on my machines is amazing, and I could never go back.

The PDI is a bit thicker than the default glass, and don't know how it compares to Invisaglass.  It does make it a bit tighter fit on the machine.  I don't really mind though since I'm not pulling it on/off that often anyway.  But something to think about.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Flipper power settings
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:09:01 PM »
Is it indicative of a potential problem if a high power setting is needed to keep things playable?  Right now I have mine at +2.  Seems OK for the most part, but I tend to get used to things.  Had a friend over who noted that they felt kind of weak.  I've also had issues with my catapult strength which is currently at Max and despite all my tweaking efforts to wireform, etc. will not successfully eject two balls, and is about 90% successful with one in making it smoothly around the loop.  I'm pretty sure I have the table angle set properly, but maybe it's too steep?  Doesn't seem it according to the bubble and compared to my Star Trek right next to it.

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: MMR Software Updates - Coming Soon
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:02:17 PM »
LOL, Phew(I guess), thought I might have missed something since I haven't checked these parts in awhile.  Been enjoying my game, but update would be nice(audo/colordmd!!! :))))))

MMR Support [MMR Members Only] / Re: Blue plastic tool?
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:59:13 PM »
Mine actually came broken.  Any way to get a replacement sent out?  Should I file a support ticket for that?

I recently noticed that shots up the right ramp weren't registering so I got into the switch test and confirmed that it is a very flaky exit switch(the second switch the ball hits after making the u-turn back down to the flipper).  When I first started testing it with my finger, it wasn't registering closed at all.  Making sure the wire contacts were solid, etc. didn't seem to make much of a difference, but after a bunch of hammering of the switch, it finally started to register.  It still wasn't totally consistent though.  I disassembled it from the ramp to make sure that the metal leaf part was making good contact with the little plunger part of the switch and it was fine.  But even manually depressing that part didn't help much.  I really think it's fubar'd internally.  I reattached it to the ramp and fastened it tight.  It seemed to want to work more consistently then so I thought maybe I just needed to clamp it down tighter.  I closed up and played a couple of games and...it failed again.  Think I'm going to need a replacement switch.

Another problem I've had on my machine is the catapult is a bit flaky.  Sometimes it will eject it out a bit too hard and it might hit the top of the ramp or the gate instead of making a nice smooth run all the way around.  Or it might not eject out quite hard enough and/or sort of shimmy halfway around and then fall back, returning down the left ramp.  This is at the lowest(default) setting.  I've tried a higher setting, but that proves even more unreliable. 

Also, it seems like my trolls are a bit too tough.  Not saying they should be pushovers, but is there a setting for that or do I have to get my hands dirty to get them to register hits a bit easier?

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