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Messages - Jeffpinball

Pages: [1]
PPS Parts - Now Available! / Taxi Plastics please.........
« on: February 15, 2017, 05:52:03 PM »
Everyone I know who has a Taxi has broken Plastics. The slings and o[/size]ne above Lola are always cracked. Can you please make these 3 and sell them in a lot? Most people don't need a full set or would like spares of the main 3. Willing to pay a bit more if they are built thicker.[/color]

Well I have cash in hand for a Cactus Canyon  ;D but I belive you are going to see your game first.

Are you supposed to be releasing the info today at IAAPA? The floor opened 4 minutes ago/ What is it?  :D

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