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Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:04:36 PM »
in theory it will work, but requires some small tweaks to the software, and possibly small tweaks to the hardware (cabling, etc).

Our intent is to provide this as an upgrade for MMR, we just have not yet done work on it as the priority is AFMR


Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:20:43 AM »
Yes, we can start taking orders at 2PM  (REVISED) CST on Friday ... you can 'get on the list' of interested parties here:

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Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 18, 2017, 12:37:16 PM »
that extra board is a single power driver board vs 3 for the MMR.

that's not the correct # of LE's, there will be 1000 LE's.

everyone hated the gold ... yet most everyone got it with gold ... hmm.

i have a game here and I like the green ... I have a GB LE and I like the green ...


Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 17, 2017, 02:22:56 PM »
The only 'red' that I think would be done is that I order red trim and it's available as an aftermarket purchase and customers could switch that.

Options on games are super great for customers, but super difficult for manufacturers - the more options the more headaches which we have seen translates to unhappy customers (waiting longer for a game with 'their' trim color, accidentally shipping the wrong color game, having to keep track of all that, etc).


Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 17, 2017, 01:26:47 PM »
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Hi Rick,

Could you tell us if the side rails will be glued/double-side taped (like original Williams/Bally) or screwed (like Stern) ?
This is good to know if anyone wants to buy an extra set of legs/trims in a different color for future installation. In that case, it would be better if they are screwed and no glue is used.


As with MMR, the side rails will be double-side taped (no glue that I'm aware of). I believe as with MMR, the cabinet art ended before the tape, so there is no risk of the tape pulling the cabinet art off. The screw only approach is problemmatic for the middle of the rail, so I think CGC continues with the tried and true method. I think we would all like a decent approach without lots of external screws ... perhaps on game3

AFMR Updates (READ ONLY) / AFMR Trim Color
« on: March 17, 2017, 10:54:15 AM »
So, as with MMR, there is debate over the AFMR trim color. Interesting fact - while there was vocal opposition to the MMR Gold trim - I think about 70+% of people ordered that way ... moral of the story is that vocal does not necessarily equal majority.

We have a game here and the green is fine, it stands out and is intended to match the green on the playfield which it appears to.

There is a valid concern when the trim color does not 'do it' for someone and so I would predict that black option (same as on MMR) will likely become an option on the MMR LE ... nothing formal from CGC, but I can see that happening.

As for Red ... PPS will see if there is interest and run "Martian Red" trim and have that available for aftermarket - replacing trim is not a complex task. I do think that there would be ALOT of red on the cabinet, and oversaturates the game with red, also there is alot of yellow/orange/red on the art, and coming up with the 'right' red I'm sure there would be an equal pushback on red.

NOTE: If we are to do any RED, it will be something that we run and sell from our store, and customers buy and put on their games and take the old ones off. We will have spare green, black (which we have now), and gold (mmr). So, no, at this time it is not an option on AFMR.

BUT, if anyone wants red trim let me know and if enough interest then we will run some ...


Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Re: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 16, 2017, 02:36:35 AM »
We will be taking all of your questions and anything I cannot answer I will get the answers from CGC.

Then we will post a FAQ with answers - all of that will be available at the time of annoucement - which is set to be officially Friday Mar 24th 5PM CST.

All AFMR Info will be available at 5PM CST / 3PM PST / 6PM EST ... coinciding with TPF Start Time.

Some may be trickling out before that, but this is the 'official' time.

Pricing has already been determined, and has feature matrix.

We will be pushing out one or more News updates for those on our distribution list, as well as posting the same info here on the PPS Forum

I'm sure minor details can change as any feedback comes in, but major details will not.


AFMR Updates (READ ONLY) / MOVED: AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 15, 2017, 05:35:43 PM »
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Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / AFMR - Q&A Input?
« on: March 15, 2017, 12:17:22 AM »
Anyone have any questions that you would like answered in prep for the AFMR launch? If so, please let me know here, and I will do my best to post answers as soon as we can.


Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) / Mailing List - Remake #2
« on: March 11, 2017, 09:53:57 PM »
If anyone is interested in the next remake (whatever it is) then here is the list, we will then put you on a mailing list which will ensure you get timely information.

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Game #3 Discussion / Re: MBr
« on: March 08, 2017, 01:43:52 AM »
Time will tell ... we have done some market analysis and have a pretty good idea of which titles and roughly in which order ... certainly things can change. TAF is in the list of games to try to do.

Would have been in the 90's somewhere - the DE original plastics are Butyrate that smell like sulfer.

Game #3 Discussion / Re: MBr
« on: March 07, 2017, 10:28:30 PM »
the main challenge with TAF's is how many they made ...

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