Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR) > Attack From Mars Remake (AFMR)
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Lloyd Olson:
Two new videos.
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Register or Login Flipper Space Gauge
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Register or Login AFMR Topper Install
Hi Lloyd,
The links posted above both go to the same video.
Lloyd Olson:
I'm sorry. I don't know how I managed that mistake.
Here is the correct link for the topper :
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Register or Login AFMR Topper Install
Thank you,
Thanks for taking the time to post Lloyd!
Looking for any info on updating the MMr and AFMr software, if that is in your "toolbox". The pinside thread was a bit much for me :)
Lloyd Olson:
Hello Jim
The CGC website has instructions to update remakes. You are not allowed to view links.
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A friend of mine made up a how to guide too. If you'd like that emailed to you. Please send me an email at You are not allowed to view links.
Register or Login and ask for the remake update thingy and I'll send it to you.
Thank you,
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