Page 39 - JackBot

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B.4 FeatureAudits
B.4 01 Buy-in Extra Balls
00 00%
This is the number of Extra Balls purchased at the end of the game.
B.4 02 Total Multiball
00 00%
Total number of multiballs™ played.
B.4 03 Game Saucer Award
00 00%
Number of game saucer awards (Poker, Slot Machine, Roll the Dice or Keno).
B.4 04 Cheats Achieved
00 00%
Number of times a "cheat" was executed by rapidly pressing the Buy-in button
during the title screen of the game.
B.4 05 Keno Arrow Saucer
00 00%
Number of times the game saucer was lit from the Moving Keno arrow feature.
B.4 06 Multiball JackeBots
00 00%
Number of Jack-Bots earned during Multiball™.
B.4 07 Multiball Super Jack-Bots
00 00%
Number of Super Jack-Bots earned during regular multiball™ play.
B.4 08 Quick Visor Open
00 00%
Number of times the visor was opened by hitting the blinking row or column
before any other targets.
B.4 09 Visor Open Games
00 00%
Number of games that opened the visor one or more times.
B.4 10 1 Multiball Games
00 00%
Number of games that had one or more multiballs
B.4 11 2 Multiball Games
00 00%
Number of games that had two or more multiballs™.
B.4 12 3 Multiball Games
00 00%
Number of games that had three or more multiballs™.
B.4 13 Rematch Offered
00 00%
Number of times Rematch was offered. Rematch allows you a timed period to
re-start multiball™ if you do not score any Jack-Bots during multiball™.
B.4 14 Rematch Awarded
00 00%
Number of times Rematch was achieved.
B.4 15 Slot Multiball
00 00%
Number of times Multiball™ was awarded from the slot machine.
B.4 16
Ramp Shots
00 00%
Number of ramp shots completed.
B.4 17 Right Lane Awards
00 00%
Number of "Right Lane Awards" achieved by the ball going from the ramp, back
to the right flipper lane.