Page 13 - Funhouse

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Mystery Mirror:
The Mystery Mirror is located over the
entrance to the Wind Tunnel at (G). There
are 6 values that can be awarded on the
mirror. These include:
1. Light Extra Ball Shot
2. Light Million Shot
3. Start Quick Multi-ball
4. Start Superdog Bonus Timer
5. Light Jet Bumpers for Maximum
6. Open Left Side Plunger Gate
The blinking value that can be awarded is
MOVED by the ball contacting the jet
bumpers. The value is AWARDEDwhen
the lamp at (P) is lit. The LAMP is lit at
game start. It is re-lit on a timer when the
ball goes through the right outermost
flipper return lane (Q). It is re-lit solidly on
a hit to the dummys jaw (J). After all 6
values are awarded the lamp is lit so that
on the next award the player receives 1
million points and the game starts
Mystery Mirror