Page 8 - Doctor Who

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The first episode was broadcast on November 23, 1963.
The shows Thirtieth Anniversary will be celebrated in 1993 (twenty-six seasons broadcasted to date).
Doctor Who is the longest running Science Fiction Show.
There have been a total of seven Doctors. He has 13 "regenerations" possible. Listed below are the
actors and their air dates.
1) William Hartnell • 1963-1966, four seasons.
2) Patrick Troughton· 1966-1969, two seasons.
3) Jon Pertwee • 1970-1974, five seasons.
4) Tom Baker • 1975-1981, seven seasons.
5) Peter Davison • 1982-1984, three seasons.
6) Colin Baker • 1984-1986, two seasons.
7) Sylvester McCoy· 1987-1989, three seasons.
The "Time Streams" theme is not patterned after a particular episode.
The "Time Expander" is a new feature of pinball, and for Doctor Who fans.
Doctor Who
Time Lord
The Master
A Time Lord, who has taken a TARDIS and travels through time and space.
A time machine that the Doctor uses. TARDIS is an acronym-for "Time And Relative
Dimensions In Space", and is bigger on the inside than the outside.
The Doctors'
TARDIS is "stuck" in the shape of a police box (the chameleon circuit does not work
properly). The "Master" also has a TARDIS, usually in the shape of a Roman Pillar, but
his chameleon circuit is fully functional.
The race of the Doctor.
The home planet of the Doctor.
A being intentionally mutated by radiation in a protected shell that is impervious to
most weapons.
The creator of the Daleks. Defeated may times by the Doctor.
A renegade Time Lord, also defeated by the Doctor.
A matter-transmitter that can transport people or objects from one place to another.
Time Expander A machine to stretch time within a certain area of time and space.
A historical Time Lord who created time travel for the Time Lords.